Worm Composting Canada
2023 Final Sale
If you reached this page it likely means you are interested in purchasing my "Easy Worm Mix" (Red Worm starter culture) or other products relating to vermicomposting, and you are available to pick up in Waterloo Region.
I'm in the process of winding down my business, and plan to sell off most of my worm stock and various other products this summer (2023).
Here's What's Available:
- 30-40 Red Worm Starter Cultures (come with a 5 gal bin) - $30 each or 2 for $50
- 2 Urban Worm Bags with stands (used but cleaned well) ~ $60-$80
- Several VermiBags - 2 new, one used - ~$50-$70
- Several Worm Inns - mostly used - pricing will vary.
- DIY "Garden Tower" style system (Blue) - $50 (happy to include some worms as well)
- Miscellaneous plastic worm bins (used but cleaned out) - pricing will vary
- *Comfrey root starters - $2 each; 3 for $5 (much easier than seeds)
- Bokashi Living 2-bin starter kit (partially used) - $60
Pricing for the bins/bags hasn't been firmed up 100% - but that gives you some idea. Definitely some wiggle room, depending on what all you want. eg. If you wanted one of the systems, fully set up with one or more starter cultures, it would probably cost you less than the sum total of each product if bought separately.
*Comfrey is like the "ultimate" plant for composting (it is hands-down my favourite green waste). It grows quite rapidly and can even be harvested multiple times per season once well established. It's also great for attracting beneficial pollinators
If you are interested in making a purchase, or have any questions, please get in touch via the contact form below and we'll take things from there. You may also be added to a group email list so I can keep everyone in the loop and provide more info as it becomes available.
Thanks for your interest!
IMPORTANT - If you are not yet familiar with my starter cultures ("Easy Worm Mix"), please make sure to read the info on my old "Composting Worms" page, along with the Easy Worm Mix Guide (which is also accessible from that page), just to make sure it is a good fit for what you are trying to do. It is an excellent product for starting a typical home worm bin, or a backyard composters intended for vermicomposting.